Saturday, March 8, 2008

Workin For The Man

Lately I've been bummed about my job status. I hear about new bakeries and coffee shops, book shops and photography studios. From young hipsters running their own businesses to older adults finally living their dreams, people are doing it. I want to do that. My creativity and lust to follow my own rules tell me to do something different with my life. BUT. It's the big but that gets in the way. A regular pay check is nice and health insurance. Can I really do something different? Do I want to slave away for minimal pay and no benefits? The question has been going through my mind on and off these days. On NPR this morning I heard the "theme song" section of the morning show. I had not heard it before. People write in with their theme songs. The man on this morning had a song by the Doves called "There Goes the Fear," he said he played it in the background as he was making big decisions. He didn't want to reach middle age with regret and lost dreams. This song helped him as sort of a mantra to get ride of the fear of doing something new. I'm glad I heard this piece. Not that I'm going out to quit my job on Monday, but it's inspiration to keep dreaming.

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